Jasmine is a girl with a talent for sleuthing. When she is dragged to Las Vegas for a family vacation, what can she do but encounter a mystery and try to solve it?
Usually when I read mystery novels I know exactly who did it and how chapters before the main character, and I just end up throwing the book across the room in frustration at the protagonist's stupidity. In Bad Kitty, I really didn't know the answer-- but I thought the protagonist was acting stupid anyway. Is it too much to ask for a main female character to be an intelligent person who doesn't jump to random, preposterous conclusions at the drop of a hat? The only time I've seen this done right was in Veronica Mars, where even if she was wrong, she was logical about it.
Aside from this, though, Bad Kitty is an entertaining, if not particularly deep, book. The main character is almost someone I might like, and the mystery is engaging and fun.
Bad Kitty is a good book to read if you want something light that doesn't require a huge amount of thought. The best thing about it is that, though it's a girly book (see sparkles on cover for proof), the characters aren't self-absorbed privileged, er, witches a la Gossip Girl. If you're a fan of Meg Cabot, you'll like this book. If you're not, you won't.
I give it 3 daggers.
Slightly angry, wishing that Veronica Mars hadn't been cancelled, and yours,
Three? THREE?
Bad Kitty is a favorite of mine. I can often be found prowling Michele Jaffe's blog. It is an easy 5. Yes, 5.
I think I will read that just because there is a kitty on the cover.
Veronica Mars rules the world!
hmm...even though my older sister may kill me for saying this...I felt pretty much the same about this book. But I'm definitely going to read the sequel!
PLUS! I'm not a Cabot fan.
I've been dying to read this. ^^ I'm sad you only gave it three, but what's a book without some decent or bad reviews?
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