Por Jana, she wuz soo misunderstood by Zoe and Angela. All she did wuz take picz of Maddie wen she wuz totally wasted @ a party and sent them out 2 ppl. It'z pretty obvious tho that she wuz jus trying 2 get opinionz 2 help her frend. Who wudn't do that 4 sum1 they cared about?
Rob, Angela's first dude, sounded sooooooo cute <3
zomg!! Did I mention the wey the bookz r written??! I didn't O.O!??! How cud I not hav?! It'z writen lyk it'z a IM. How totally awesum iz that!?!?!?!? Ryt after I finished it, I wanted so bad 2 go out and get the nex book. I can't w8 2 start reading the second 1. I'm so glad it'z out so I don't hav 2 w8 4 it.
omg, lyk, this PURSE.
ahaha. April fools. I was miraculously saved from all of that because I didn't go to school.
But anywho, did you know IV did Ttyl too? Its like...the first book we both reviewed. Is uber cool.
make it STOP. that was the meanest april fools ever
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