Nope, there's no Freaky-Friday-esque spirit transfer. But seeing as Meg Cabot seems to want to keep most of the details under wraps, I won't give away the plot of Airhead any more than I already have. Let's just say that it's pretty darn cool. (Besides, if you really want to know, I'm sure you can find it online.)
Airhead is a thoroughly enjoyable book, not just because it's about a gamer geek trapped in the body of a supermodel, but because (despite what all the chick-lit-haters might say) Meg Cabot is quite a good writer. The heroine is likable, the supporting characters are amusing and believable, and the plot is clever and fun, though it occasionally dragged.
Airhead is the first in a trilogy, and it reads like it-- it seems more like the beginning of a story than a complete story in and of itself. This may bother some people, as it made the plot a bit slow at times. This format also means that readers (if they enjoyed the book) will be clamoring to read the second, because the end of Airhead seems more like (at risk of sounding clichéd) a beginning.
Airhead comes out on May 13.
All in all, I would say that Airhead makes a great light read. I give it four daggers out of five.
Glad that she is still residing in her own body, but also kind of wishing that she weren't because then she could have an adventure, and also writing very long sign-offs, and also, yours,
hmmmm, sounds pretty interesting.
scary cover though.
the walking sounds too dark for the perky, schadenfreude, pink glossed, bubble heads that manipulate the student body population, and yet, it fits perfectly.
Usually I can't stand the girlieness of Meg Cabot's books (princess diaries *cringe*), but I guess the 1-800-where-r-you series and the mediator series were pretty good.
and i agree with serafina-zane--very scary cover. but i am intrigued though...
it is kind of a scary cover, i agree. But the book is NOTHING like the cover. It's a great read! :-)
AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! SCARY COVER!!!!!!
Noooo, puuurty fluffy cover!
hi 3 evil cousins. i work in a bookshop in Australia and thanks to your review when a kid came in and asked for meg cabots Airhead i was able to tell her so much about it because ofyou guys. of course shame for her seeing as we live in Australia and get our books later then everyone else. thats the only thing i dont like about our country....damn slow coaches!!
anyway just thought you should know that you helped me assisting this girl to go to your blog spot for updates on it. i think for us its not coming out until another month which is tre ghey but at least we can order it from you guys...that is america...i assume you live there seeing as you can bask in all your wonderfulness books earlier then us!! :D
thanks so much from Jinx (The Blind Sisters) check us out!
please please please!!
I loved it, but I may be biased cuz Meg is one of my fav authors.
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